Saturday, June 4, 2016

June 3, 2016

     Today was a very good day! To start off I have some good news! Yoselin was up and walking most of the day and she told me she is feeling a lot better! I’m glad that she isn’t in as much pain anymore. Anyways, my day started off early with me waking up at 5:45 to be ready for the Leonardo. He showed up promptly at 6:00 ( Profa. Lilly took him to my room) and was asleep. I put him on my bed and did some work for my Magellan. About 15 minutes into our little visit he wakes up and starts fussing. I picked him up and calmed him down by my extensive knowledge of Disney songs and expert rocking ability (anyone need a babysitter when I get back?). For about an hour he was awake and pretty happy until I think he started getting hungry. Then he WOULD NOT STOP SCREAMING. When I finally had enough of his shenanigans, I went to the office and found Profa Lilly. We gave him a bottle of milk and he was content.
            Today was the day of Sagrado Corazon. It is a big deal at the orphanage so we decorated the orphanage. We put balloons, streamers, and hearts in the main hallway and dining hall. It looked very good! Since it was a big day, Mother Superior had a huge lunch at the convent and she invited all the nuns and priests of the diocese. There were about forty people at this lunch and boy was it good! Ribs, chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, fried plantains, and multiple salads made up the buffet. During the meal I talked about the US to some of the priests that spoke English and I also got to talk to Mother Superior a good amount. -(Side Note: The priest’s ages ranged from 32-90 years old!)- Anyways, I ate and ate and ate and ate until I was stuffed. All-in-all, probably my favorite meal of the trip so far.
After the meal I took a nice nap and was awakened by a knock at my door. When I opened the door, Pancho (one of the workers) was standing there. He asked to look at my shower to check the heat (I said a small comment to Mother Superior that my showers were freezing). He said he turned on the heated water to my building and wanted to make sure it worked. When he turned it on and felt it he said it was working and left. Now, I don’t think you can understand how excited I was. I immediately stripped down and hopped into the shower where the water was still running. When I entered the shower I was greeted by water that was maybe 2o F warmer. So far, this has been one of my biggest disappointments of the trip. I know a lot of you are probably saying “Suck it up Chris” but you don’t know cold until you step into that artic box every night.
After my shower, I went helped the girls with their English assignments and played a card game with Uno cards. They crushed me (mostly because I didn’t know all the rules and we had to count in Spanish). Later we went to mass which was very long. It was for the Dia de Sagrado Corazon and was fully attended by the orphanage. After mass, I went to dinner with Elena and Carina. We went to a place in the plaza that served wraps that reminded me of chicken gyros. The wrap was fantastic and I want to go back again!

Tomorrow I am going to Santa Cruz, one of the largest cities in Bolivia! I am very excited and I am looking forward to the shopping and sight-seeing. Thanks again for the emails and texts! Chao!

 This is a picture of the street right outside of the orphanage

 This is the pregame meal set up.
 This is me right before the meal. The sister across from me was hilarious.
 Mucho comida!
The gyro tasting thingy from dinner.

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