Thursday, June 2, 2016

June 1, 2016

     Today was MUCH more interesting and fun than yesterday! It started off with my usual breakfast of some rolls and tea. I then worked on my Project in my room for a good amount of time. Feeling bored, I went to go ask Carina if she would like to go to the market with me. As soon as I finished asking Elena if she would like to go to the market with me, Mother Superior showed up with some good news. I was able to go see a surgery today! Giddy with excitement, I went with her in her truck to the medical clinic. When we arrived, we talked to one of the nurses for a long time while the doctors were busy with other patients. This nurse is an EXTREMELY nice lady and slipped a wad of cash to Mother Superior to pay for the medications that Yoselin (the girl in the hospital) was receiving. Anyways, I wasn’t asked for any documentation or anything (which surprised me) and they led me to a little room besides the operating room. I proceeded to change into some scrubs that a (very pretty) nurse got for me. I washed my hands with soap and water (they didn’t tell me to do it but I thought it was a good idea nonetheless) and then I was told to go into the operating room. I have pictures but I will also do my best to describe it. This room was pretty small and white. In the corners was some dust and cobwebs but for the most part it was sanitary. I would give them a 6/10 for sanitation.
            While the nurses were busy getting set up a bigger man came into the room and introduced himself. He was the anesthesiologist. He told me that I would be viewing 2 surgeries today. One c-section and one gallbladder removal (incision). After that, two doctors strolled in laughing and talking quickly. They said hello and motioned me to the other side of the room where I would get a better view. A (very) pregnant lady then walked in with a nurse and they sat her on the table. Within a minute she had a needle in her back and was laying on the table. The doctors worked quickly; cutting her open, opening the uterus, plopping the baby out, cutting the umbilical cord, taking the baby away, fishing out the placenta, and finally stitching her up. During this whole time, they were laughing and talking very fast. It was a really neat experience! After the c-section, they asked me some questions such as what I was studying and what my age was (then the one doctor said something to the pretty nurse really quickly and she smiled). During the surgery I felt only a little light headed when they started to cut her open but I made myself not faint.
            The second surgery happened in the same room within 15 minutes of the last one. One of the doctors was replaced by another (presuming a specialist?) and the room was readied quickly. This second surgery (gallbladder removal) took a lot longer and was kind of messy. I didn’t feel queasy at all though! The doctors told me it was a difficult surgery and went to work. During the middle of the surgery the doctor’s phone starting ringing on the counter. The anesthesiologist stood up and answered the phone for the doctor then left the room while laughing and talking! I don’t think that’s safe.
            After the two surgeries I ate a quick lunch in the little kitchen at the clinic. I then talked to the nurse who said that I am welcome back anytime and if I ever want to see another surgery, let her know! I then took a mototaxi back to the Hogar.
            When I got back to the Hogar I was immediately greeted by Carina and we went to the market. I bought some souvenirs for my friends and family. I really love the atmosphere of the market; shop owners yelling at you to come visit their stand, the smells of exotic foods in the air, the clothing hanging from the tops of the tents (so low that you have to bend over to walk underneath the narrow sidewalks). After we got back to the Hogar, I went to mass again with the girls. Finally, after mass I talked and joked around with the girls. I found out what my nickname opa means in English, “deaf, or dumb; stupid”. I thought it was a term of endearment… The girls are joking however, and I truly think they like me.

            Anyways, thanks for the emails and comments! I love them and they keep me going strong! Thanks for keeping up on my blog, Chao!
This was the room the operation took place in. Notice that it is pretty small and crowded.

 This was the room that I changed in before the surgery. Behind those blinds are piles of scrubs. To my left is a little window from where I took the first picture of the opperating room.
 This is me pre-surgery!
 This is me waiting while the nurses got the room ready. You can see the small window to the right of the window where I took the first picture. I stood here for the beginning of the surgery then was motioned over to the foot of the bed.
 The anesthesiologist was chilling by the bed while the second patient was sitting there. He was on his phone a lot.
 This is the view I had for the second surgery. I was allowed to move closer multiple times.
This is the girls looking at a magazine when they were supposed to be doing homework. Sometimes focus is a problem here.

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