The Magellan Project

      Established in 2008, The Magellan Project is a scholarship granted by W&J that allows students to travel anywhere in the world to independently study a topic of interest. The main focus of the Magellan Project is to get the students out of their comfort zones and into unfamiliar territory. The project awards $1,000-3,000 for students traveling for a minimum of three weeks to any domestic or international location of choice. These places can be in our own backyard of Pittsburgh, or all the way into the mountains of Tibet. To apply for a Magellan must meet specific GPA requirements and contain the necessary determination to be considered a competitive applicant. Our application consisted of multiple essays detailing the ins and outs of the project. We had to provide incredibly detailed information about our budget, lodging, travel plans, and why we wanted to partake in the endeavour. Therefore, the lengthy process of planning and writing starts in the Fall Semester, and the deadline for the completed project application due in early February. Those awarded find out in mid-March if they received the scholarship. As a Magellan Scholar, I would like to thank the board of the Magellan Project for the fantastic opportunity that they have funded. It has been a life-changing experience and I am grateful for the opportunity of a lifetime.

Check out W&J's Magellan Page for more details:

(Montero is North-East of the capital, Sucre)

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