Friday, June 3, 2016

June 2, 2016

Pretty normal day today! It started off well with a nice little breakfast of rolls, cheese, and tea. I have learned that if I take a bite of my roll then a quick swig of tea (it has to be the perfect amount of tea) I get a nice tasting bite of softer bread. After breakfast, I did some Magellan work and then went to the clinic with Elena again. This time it was with a different girl (9 years old) that had flu-like symptoms. When we arrived at the clinic we had to wait for a long time again. I have come to enjoy the show that is always playing on the clinic’s waiting room television. It is a cooking show that has these hilarious weight-loss advertisements during the breaks. In some of the before and after pictures, I have noticed that it is NOT the same person. I really get a kick out of them. To get back to the story, we were called into the doctor’s office after a 35-minute wait. This time around, I decided to time our little visit with the doctor. From the time we stepped into the room to the time that we left: 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Wow, I feel bad for the doctor. He looked drained and looked extremely busy. I guarantee he is doing the best that he can to give everyone their attention but lacks the time to do so. Anyways, after our hasty visit, we walked next door to the pharmacy to pick up the medicine and shots. After buying the medicine, we went to the nurses in the clinic and they gave the girl her shot. She did not want any part in this fiasco and had to be held down on the table while a shot was injected into her rear-end.
After arriving back at the Hogar, I helped Carina and Chiki at the Santa Maria house. We took 8 girls to Kindergarten in the afternoon (by foot). The girls and I formed a long line and we proceeded to walk to their school which was only about 2 blocks away. It was adorable, all of them holding hands and stumbling over the little rocks that dotted the path that we took. After dropping them off, Carina, Chiki, and I went to the market to get some cookies. I didn’t eat lunch yet so I ate all of my cookies immediately. They were amazing (wafers with vanilla cream in between yum).
When we got back I had a little merienda (snack) with Mother Superior and her nuns. I am talking and picking up much more in Spanish which is really making my stay a lot easier. I told them about my freezing cold showers and how I am surprised that they don’t all wake up when I scream as I enter the shower every evening (they couldn’t stop laughing at that one). It was a good conversation and the food was just as nice. Bread with melted cheese in the middle and some tea to wash it down YUM! While we were talking, I asked if there were any updates about Yoselin and they said yes. The doctors made a mistake when they said it was chikungunya and it is actually a psychological problem (apparently something drastic happened in her family). She is now on anti-depressants and is talking to a child psychologist. She was also allowed to return to the Hogar and is staying in Mother Superior’s room. That is where I am now, watching her till 12 o’clock tonight (or until Mother Superior gets back). I have been here since six. So far, she has thrown up twice, is running a fever, and has woken up yelling multiple times. I am really trying my best to console her but she is just in a rough spot right now. On the bright side I got some really good chicken and rice soup! Tomorrow, I am watching over Leonardo (a 2 months old and in one of the earlier post’s pictures) from 6 a.m. till around 10. That should be fun! Professora Lilly is dropping him off at my room in the morning. I really hope he doesn’t cry too much.
Thanks for the emails, snapchats, and texts. They help a lot because I miss everyone! Thanks for all of the support! Chao.

ADDITION: It is 11:00 and I went to the office to get some wifi. Let me set the scene for you… I didn’t realize this when I left Mother Superior’s room (which is connected to the main building) but I walking in a pitch black orphanage, at night, alone, in Bolivia. I was walking down the hallway with my flashlight in hand, on the way to the office when suddenly a girl came out from around the corner. We both jumped back in fear. I think we both had heart-attacks. I’m going to have issues walking back to my room tonight. OH NO! The dogs!!! I will have to think of a way to avoid them on my stealth mission back to my headquarters. Wish me luck and I will update tomorrow! Chao!
This is the girl we took to the clinic. 

 This is Leonardo, I am watching over him tomorrow morning.
 This is Yoselin, she is still pretty sick but is making improvements.
Homemade Chicken and Rice soup! YUMMY!

1 comment:

  1. Haha remember in psych where we learned about people not remembering that the person in the picture changed? (I think it was called change blindness or something like that)... I guess they were counting on that happening.
